Abstract Pannychia moseleyi is a deep-sea holothurian found at depths from approximately 500m to 3000m in the Monterey Bay Canyon. The bioluminescence in Pannychia moseleyi has a complex dynamic pattern spread throughout the epithelium, but absent from the tube feet, papillae, and tentacles. The waves observed were greatly varied, but can fit into three general classifications - spiral, circular from a point, and traveling. The basis of bioluminescence in Pannychia appears to be intracellular and microscopic, and shows strong evidence for being passed in an excitable medium such as a nerve net. The strongest evidence for the coordination by a nerve net comes from transection studies. Introduction Pannychia moseleyi (Figure 1) is a deep-sea holothurian found at depths from approximately 500m to 3000m in the Monterey Bay Canyon. One of the most interesting characteristics of Pannychia is the dynamic bioluminescence elicited by tactile stimulation. Propagation occurs over most of the dorsal surface, and tends to concentrate near the caudal end. The bioluminescence travels in complex patterns consisting of spiral, circular, and traveling waves. The main purpose of this study was to investigate these patterns in relation to the morphological characteristics of the Holothuria. From these studies it appears that the bioluminescence is coordinated by a nerve net located in the basiepithelial plexus and that through-conduction is mediated by a combination of the deep plexus and the radial nerve cords. Materials & Methods Collection Animals were collected using the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Ventana on multiple cruises of the MBARI research vessel Point Lobos in the Monterey Bay. Three specimens were collected prior to the spring course. Seven more specimens were collected in on April 6, 1993. Two more specimens were collected in depths of on April 19,1993. One specimen was collected at a depth of April 26,1993. The last seven specimens used for research were collected on May 4, 1993. Three more Pannychia were collected on May 24, 1993, but were only observed. They were collected in depths ranging from 550 to 900 meters. Storage All Pannychia were placed in Rubbermaid containers with 5 C sea water and a little sediment on board the Point Lobos. Upon arrival at Hopkins Marine Station, the Pannychia were placed in the water holding tanks in the Deep Sea Lab. These were kept at temperatures from 5-7 C. While in the holding tanks, the Pannychia were maintained in complete darkness except when the insulated covers were lifted. The animals were divided into groups based mostly on the date of collection. The original three became group A. The next seven became B 1-4 and C 1-3. The remaining Pannychia became D-1 and D-2, E-1, F 1-7, and G 1-3. The numbers within the group were arbitrary and were assigned based on the order of use for experimentation. Natural Sea Water Filming The animals to be filmed were transferred by hand from their holding Rubbermaid containers into a Rubbermaid butterdish filled with 5 C sea water. Bioluminescent activity during transfer was noted. The animals were then covered, placed back in the holding tanks, and allowed to recover for 45 to 90 minutes (usually 60 minutes). The whole transfer process was done under red light. The filming was done using a Cohu Silicon-Intensified Tube (SIT) camera. The camera was set on Auto while a bright field image was taken. The light was switched off and the camera set on Manual with maximum gain and black contrast at one quarter for the filming of bioluminescence. All filming was done on the dorsal surface of the animal (the bivium). (Figure 2) The stimulus was a gentle tap with a quarter centimeter diameter glass rod usually near the caudal end of the animal slightly lateral to one of the bivium radial nerves. The darkness was maintained until the bioluminescence ceased. Another bright field image was then taken. This process was then repeated so that for each recording session an animal had three bright field images and two stimulus attempts. This procedure would sometimes be altered by adding a third stimulus attempt to ensure good video footage or by stopping after one stimulus attempt if bioluminescence failed to occur. The whole filming process for three animals usually took 10-15 minutes. After the filming session, the Pannychia were transferred back to their larger containers and bioluminescence observed was recorded. Magnesium Chloride Filming Animals were transferred in a method similar to above into Rubbermaid Butterdishes containing different ratios of 5 C Isotonic MgCl2 (110 mM MgCl2 added to Natural Sea Water for 160 mM MgCl2 total) and natural sea water and allowed to sit for 45 minutes before filming. The ratios ranged from 1 part isotonic/2 part natural sea water to 1 part isotonic/7 parts natural sea water. Filming was performed with the same protocol as in natural sea water; three bright field images with two bioluminescent attempts interspersed. Äfter filming the animals were transferred by hand back into their normal Rubbermaid containers. The level of bioluminescent activity was noted on both transfers into and out of the experimental solution. Computer Analysis Video footage was analyzed using the Megavision in Dr. Stuart Thompson's laboratory at Hopkins Marine Station. The footage was first transferred to Optical Memory Disc Recording (OMDR) to allow for easier manipulation and a sharp image for processing. Using a combination of functions, measurements were made of conduction velocity of a bioluminescent wave, maximum intensity of a wave front, time lit of an area during each wave front, and period between wave fronts. Localization of the luminescence on the Pannychia was confirmed on Megavision as well. A video segment was accumulated and then overlaid on a bright field image from the same video session. Annihilation was also observed in slow motion on the Megavision. Transection Studies Various transections were performed on the Pannychia and the effects were observed and the bioluminescence was recorded on the SIT camera. These included a single cut of one radial nerve approximately three centimeters from the caudal end of the animal (E-1,F-1,F-6,F-3), a double cut of one radial nerve approximately three and four centimeters from the caudal end (F¬ 7), and complete removal of the caudal tip (C-3, C-1). The transected animals were allowed to sit for one hour before filming, while the amputated animals were allowed to sit for 24- 36 hours before filming. Stimulation varied from study to study, but followed the general pattern of alternating bright field and stimulus attempts. Usually the first stimulus was ipsilateral and rostral to the cut(s), the second was near the caudal tip of the animal, and the third was contralateral and rostral to the cut(s). In the case of amputation, stimulation was done as with the Natural sea water experiments. Results General Trends Some general patterns of bioluminescence could be observed. Ninety per cent of the time the bioluminescence would appear caudal to the stimulus (up to 1-2 cm) and propagate in the caudal third of the animal, usually lasting longest at the caudal tip. Ten per cent of the time, however, the bioluminescence would travel in both directions from the point of stimulus, thus lighting up a greater portion of the animal. In these cases, the central section of the animal would usually cease bioluminescence 3-8 seconds before the caudal section. With repeated stimulation, the Pannychia would eventually fatigue to the stimulus, and would fail to produce luminescence. In such cases, luminescence could be elicited by lifting the animal during transfer back to its main container. This bioluminescence tended to cover the whole surface with bioluminescence again lasting longest near the caudal end. Wave Types and Characteristics The waves observed were greatly varied, but can fit into three general classifications - spiral, circular from a point, and traveling. (Figures 3, 4, and 5) The traveling waves tended to show up with the gentle stimulus of the glass rod. They would travel along the radial cord and sometimes cross to another radial cord. An isolated traveling wave was not common, but was probably often present in more complex patterns. Spiral and circular waves tended to show up in both point stimulus and animal transfer stimulus. They were often both present on the same animal and resulted in complex patterns running in repetitive cycles on the surface of the specimen. Within these complex patterns annihilation was often observed. Annihilation is defined as when two intense waves propagate towards each other, and upon collision result in a loss of luminescent activity. (Figures 6a, 6b, and 6c) Waves of luminescence are also bi-directional. and there are specific instances of a wave reversing direction in the course of one stimulation. Localization of Bioluminescence The bioluminescence tends to be localized on the bivium and does not occur on the tube feet, the papillae, or the tentacles surrounding the oral opening. Bioluminescence does not appear to occur on the trivium between the two rows of tube feet. Within the bivium, there are dark unexcitable spots which correspond to the base of the papillae. (Figure 7) In less intense bioluminescent waves, these spots can appear connected giving the overall appearance of parallel dark unexcitable bands. (Figure 8) The actual photocytes of bioluminescence are below the resolution of the Megavision, which puts them in the range of less than 100 microns (based on one pixel at 9 pixels/mm). On examination of one animal in particular(F-7), it appears that units of bioluminescence are arranged in a regular fashion, separated by approximately 500-800 microns. These units have a large range in size, and thus appear to be amalgamations of individual photocytes. It can be seen that the photocytes do not fatigue during multiple wave stimulations as they can reach the same intensity throughout. For example, in bioluminescence seen in C-2, the maximum intensity scale of 255 (out of 255) was reached on seven successive wave fronts passing through the same point. This is seen in the other specimens that had multiple wave fronts passing through a single point as well. Transection Studies Transection studies were performed to investigate the pathways involved in bioluminescence. Upon transection of a single radial nerve, the bioluminescent response is altered markedly. While the bioluminescence can travel past the point of the cut in both ipsilateral and contralateral stimulation, the bioluminescence does not travel as far towards the caudal end in ipsilateral stimulation as would be expected from observations of normal animals. When transferred, the bioluminescence is normal except immediately around the cut, where a disturbance in the wave pattern results in a diffuse glow. (Figure 9) Upon double transection of a single radial nerve, the bioluminescent response is altered even more. Ipsilateral stimulation bioluminescence stops at the double transection in a sharp line and tip stimulation bioluminescence stops at a similar sharp line on the other side of the double transection. (Figures 10 and 11) In both cases, the wave front reaches the cut, and instead of annihilating or dissipating, changes direction and runs along the cut, as if looking for a new path. Contralateral stimulation bioluminescence travels down the contralateral side and lights the whole caudal area. When transferred, the bioluminescence is normal except for diffuse glows around the immediate cut area, even without stimulation in the area between the two cuts. (Figure 12) In both sets of transections, the specimens can be seen to reseal the cut and start the regeneration of the damaged area. Amputations Removal of the caudal tip served two purposes, to investigate the recovery of the animal and to see if bioluminescence could be produced in isolated sections of the animal. Upon removal of the caudal tip (Icm), the specimens healed their caudal ends and within 24-36 hours gave bioluminescent responses that were similar to earlier responses, except that they were longer. The animals were healthy and recovered well from their amputations. The isolated pieces could not be made to bioluminesce - even with treatment with KCl, Nacl, and prodding with forceps. Magnesium Chloride Different ratios of MgCl2 were employed to investigate the neural properties of the bioluminescence in relation to calcium channels. The 1 part isotonic MgCl2/ 2 part natural sea water solution had the ability to knock out bioluminescence completely, even upon major stimulus. At lower ratios of isotonic MgCl2, the animals had a raised threshold for bioluminescence. This led to multiple taps being needed to elicit bioluminescence and short total lengths of bioluminescent propagation. Mathematical Data From analysis on the Megavision, some mathematical characteristics of the waves have been found. The conduction velocity varies within each specimen and across the population. has a range of 5.2-47.6 cm/sec with an average conduction velocity of 17.6 cm/sec. (Figure 13). The velocity in transection studies has a range of 14.2-18.1 cm/sec and an average of 15.54 cm/sec. Thus it appears that near a transection, both the faster and slower pathways are obliterated. The period between successive wave fronts ranges from .33 s to .69 s and has an average of 5 s and a standard deviation of .1 s. Also, the velocity and period are inversely related. (Figure 14). Discussion Unlike the bioluminescence of other holothurians studied by Robison (1992) and Herring (1974), the bioluminescence in Pannychia moseleyi has a complex dynamic pattern spread throughout the epithelium, but absent from the tube feet, papillae, and tentacles. This dynamic bioluminescence appears to be located in the basiepithelial plexus where it is under a nerve net control. Through-conduction is via the polarized deep plexus and connects to the central nervous system of the radial nerve cord for more distant transfers. (Smith, 1965) Similar to Enypniastes eximia (Robison, 1992), the basis of bioluminescence in Pannychia appears to be intracellular and microscopic. The individual photocytes could not be resolved with video imaging, which gives them a maximum size of 100 microns (Robison measured 35 microns for Enypniastes eximia). Evidence for the intracellular nature comes from the short time lit of .05-.4 seconds, which is similar to the 1 second found for Ptychordia flava by Baxter and Pickens (1964) and much too short for the discharge of luminous secretions which last minutes (Baxter and Pickens, 1964). Also, the photocytes show no fatigue in maximum intensity as a set of waves propagate through, which would not be expected in an extracellular system (Baxter, 1964). The bioluminescence of Pannychia shows strong evidence for it being passed in an excitable medium such as a nerve net. The strongest evidence comes from annihilation as shown in figures 6a, 6b and 6c. Annihilation is a characteristic property of excitable media, and is prevalent in the complex waves of Pannychia.. The presence of spiral waves also points to an excitable medium, as the spiral results from the refractory period which defines this type of medium. The inverse correlation between velocity and period is not typical of the excitable media models presented in the literature (Gerhardt, 1990). This does not show that it is not an excitable medium, as the physiological system of a nerve net does not perfectly align with a chemical reaction or other models. The effects that Magnesium Chloride has on the bioluminescence point towards a neural system which involves muscarinic channels. At high enough concentration (1 part isotonic MgCl2 / 2 parts natural sea water) the Mg++ ions are prevalent enough to anesthetize the animal and halt bioluminescence. At lower concentrations, it is likely that the threshold increase is due to competition between Mgtt and Catt ions at muscarinic channels. This leads to the shorter bioluminescence and the need for multiple stimulations to elicit the bioluminescence. Similarly, it has been observed in Coelenterate nerve nets that Mg+ ions depress the response without preventing conduction (Bullock, 1965). There is considerable evidence for the coordination of bioluminescence by a nerve net localized in the basiepithelial plexus. The nervous systems of the Holothuria contain features of both primitive and advanced design. Similar to coelenterates, they have a fiber system with a net arrangement located in the epithelial layer and composed of small-celled interneurons. In addition they have a central nervous system composed of the five radial nerve cords and the nerve ring. (Smith, 1965). These two systems, interacting via polarized specializations for through¬ conduction in the deep plexus, allow for a complex system of control of bioluminescence. The strongest evidence for the coordination by a nerve net comes from the transection studies. With a single cut of the radial nerve bioluminescence can diffuse around the cut and propagate towards the caudal end, however the through -conducting system is interrupted and the signal travels less than expected in a normal animal and becomes a more localized response. With a double cut of a radial nerve, bioluminescence is halted and fails to propagate past the disrupted area. In both cases, the bigger stimulus of lifting the animal causes bioluminescence to spread over the whole surface, with slight disturbances near the cuts. The lack of annihilation and the change of direction when the wave front reaches the edge of the cut gives evidence for multiple possible conduction pathways. These results show how there is a diffuse conduction of nervous excitation that has a tolerance for incomplete cuts. This is a definition of a nerve net (Bullock, 1965). The transection studies point towards interneural facilitation which is a common aspect of nerve net conduction (Smith, 1965; Pantin, 1935a). The single cut allows transmission to pass because the signal can find a more diffuse path through the nerve net and circumvent the obliterated area. The double cut causes more problems and halts transmission because the need for facilitation prevents the more circuitous routes from succeeding. The transection studies also shed light on the through- conducting system located in the polarized deep plexus. Since the through-conducting system receives its stimulation from the basiepithelial plexus, a disturbance of the nerve net will lead to a subsequent disturbance of the deep plexus. This is seen in the single cut in which the bioluminescence can spread past the cut, but it remains as a localized luminescence due to the degradation of the signal in the deep plexus. The larger stimulus presents enough activity in the nerve net to stimulate the through- conducting system and spread the bioluminescence over the whole body regardless of transections. The role of the through-conducting systems manifests itself in other ways as well. The general trend of the spreading towards the caudal end when stimulated in the caudal third is probably a result of the directional nerves of the deep plexus. The ability of the bioluminescence to start caudal to the actual point of stimulus could be the result of the sensory cells transmitting directly to the through- conducting system before starting bioluminescence in the nerve net. This would be a highly specialized response, which agrees with Pantin's idea that through-conducting systems are specializations, developed differently in different species (Pantin, 1935b). Another piece of evidence for the nerve net coordination of bioluminescence is the property of after-discharge, in which animals continue flashing after the stimulus has ceased. This is common in Pannychia, as bioluminescent waves will often move on the body and enter new areas long after the initial gentle tap has ended. Pantin described this as an unpredictable property that gave an arbitrary element to nerve net responses (Pantin, 1935c). On his research in Renilla, Nicol observed a similar effect and concluded that this is obviously a condition dependent on excitation of the nerve net (Nicol, 1955). A generally slow conduction velocity is another characteristic of nerve nets. This is largely because the level of facilitation needed and the conduction velocity are inversely related (Pantin, 1935b). The conduction velocities in Pannychia fit this description. The range from 5.2-47.6 cm/s is similar to the observed ranges for other nerve net systems. For example, Pantin found three ranges depending on direction of 5-10 cm/s, 9-20 cm/s, and 4-120 cm/s in Calliactis and Nicol found a range of 6.66-10.15 cm/s in Renilla (Pantin, 1935b, Nicol 1955). This points to a nerve net in which conduction velocity is low in response to a high interneural facilitation. The speeds in Pannychia are much slower than the 55cm/s observed in the radial nerve cord of the brittlestar Ophiapturis papillae (Yee, Burkhardt, Gilly, 1987). Also, the range of conduction velocities is not unheard of, as Brehm reported a range of 10-85 cm/s within a single animal for bioluminescence along an ophiuroid radial nerve (Brehm, 1977). One explanation for the varying speeds could be varying levels of interneural facilitation and through-conduction interacting to form bioluminescence. Another characteristic common to nerve nets is unpolarized synapses. This was observed in video footage as a reversal of wave direction within a single bioluminescent set. This is indicative of a bi-directional synapse system which allows for multiple diffuse conduction pathways (Bullock, 1965). Overall, the bioluminescence seems to follow complex predetermined general patterns which could be inherent to the nerve net (Bullock, 1965). The bioluminescence of the nerve net seems to spread throughout the basiepithelial plexus, except at the base of papillae (figure 7). Here the wave disappears and then reappears on the other side. It seems as if the nerve net continues through the base of the papillae, but that photocytes are lacking in these areas. This explains the dark unexcitable spots. The origin of the dark unexcitable bands seems to stem from an apparent connection of the dark unexcitable spots. This is probably due to the complex wiring of the nerve net in relation to the distribution of papillae. All of these factors help to contribute to each animal having a distinctive pattern, sometimes enough to be identified based solely on a bioluminescent wave. There are many theories as to the actual function of bioluminescence in oceanic and coastal marine organisms. These range from the burglar alarm effect in which the prey tries to attract the predators of its predators to the lure effect in which the bioluminescence is meant to attract prey (Young, 1983; Morin, 1983) Since the bioluminescence is initiated purely by stimulation in Pannychia, this limits the functions to defense mechanisms. Because of the paucity of information about the predators of Pannychia, it is hard to guess as to which defense theory is most appropriate. Based purely on observations of the waves and localization of bioluminescence in Pannychia, it seems that the whole body flash could be a warning to other Pannychia of danger in the area or an attempt to startle the predator and gain freedom. The tendency to bioluminesce near the tail and the amputation experiments point to the idea that this limited bioluminescence might attract the predator to the dispensable part of the body, and thus preserve life as a whole. Acknowledgments Kim, thank you for tolerating me. Stuart, thank you for being a great project advisor. We still need to use your Hobie some time. Molly, rubbing your head cures all. your advice and gifts of animals were fabulous Chuck, Jim&a Rafe, you made 1129 Piedmont more than a house, you made it a legend. Sam, thank you for being their late at night and for all your conversations. Chris, your help with my talk and cheery demeanor were great. Jay & Ildiko & Adiwia, you made the lab a fun place to be. 175h classmates, you made this quarter fun and exciting. Susan & Alan, you made the library fun, which is no small task. Overall, what a long, strange trip its been! Literature Cited Baxter, Charles H. and Pickens, Peter E. (1964). Control of luminescence in hemichordates and some properties of a nerve net system. J. Exp. Biol. 41. Brehm, Paul. (1977). Electrophysiology and luminescence of an Ophiuroid radial nerve. J. Exp. Biol. 71. Bullock, T.H. (1965). Coelenterates and Ctenophora, in "Structure and Function in the Nervous System of Invertebrates, Vol. 1' (T.H. Bullock and G.A. Horridge), 460-466. Gerhardt, Martin, Schuster, Heike, Tyson, John J. (1990). A cellular automaton model of excitable madia including curvature and dispersion. Science 247. Herring, Peter J. (1974). New observations on the bioluminescence of echinoderms. J. Zool. London 172. Morin, James G. (1983). Coastal bioluminescence: patterns and functions. Bulletin of Marine Science 33. Nicol, J.A.C. (1955). Nervous regulation of luminescence in the sea pansy Renilla kollikeri. Exp. Biol. 32. Pantin C.F.A. (1935a(. The nerve net of the Actinozoa. I. Facilitation. J. Exp. Biol. 12. Pantin, C.F.A. (1935b). The nerve net of the Actinozoa. II. Plan of the nerve net. J. Exp. Biol. 12. Pantin, C.F.A. (1935c). The nerve net of the Actinozoa. III. Polarity and after-discharge. J. Exp. Biol. 12. Robison, Bruce H. (1992). Bioluminescence in the benthopelagic holothurian Enypniastes eximia. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 72. Smith, J.E. (1965). Echinodermata, in "Structure and Function in the Nervous System of Invertebrates, Vol. 2" (T.H. Bullock and G.A. Horridge), 1520-1531, 1548-1551. Yee, Audrey, Burkhardt, James, and Gilly, W.F. (1987). Mobilization of a coordinated escape response by giant axons in the Ophiuroid, Ophiopteris papillosa. J. Exp. Biol. 128. Young, Richard Edward (1983). Oceanic bioluminescence : an overview of general functions. Bulletin of Marine Science 33. Figure Legend Artistic rendition of Pannychia moseleyi Schematic cross-section of Pannychia moseleyi. Spiral wave, single frame. Circular wave, single frame. Traveling wave, accumulation of 45 frames. Annihilation a. Wave fronts of bioluminescence traveling towards each other. Wave fronts of bioluminescence intersecting. c. Bioluminescence extinguished. Unexcitable spots in bioluminescent wave. Accumulation of 20 frames. Unexcitable bands in bioluminescent wave. Accumulation of 20 frames. Single transection of a radial nerve. Green indicates normal bioluminescence, red indicates disturbed bioluminescence, x' indicates spot of stimulation, and the bar indicates the transection. a. Ipsilateral stimulation. b. Contralateral stimulation. c. Transport stimulation. 10. Ipsilateral stimulation with double transection of a radial nerve, single frame. 11. Contralateral stimulation with double transection of a radial nerve, single frame. The cut is evident at the bottom of the animal in the figure. 12. Double transection of a radial nerve. The legend is the same as for figure 9. a. Ipsilateral stimulation. b. Tip stimulation. c. Contralateral stimulation. d. Transport stimulation. 13. Histogram of conduction velocity in normal sea water. 14. Correlation between conduction velocity and period. 3 27 22. 299 7727 74 222 2477. 221 32 7 2 42 — 7•31 9 S 3 4* a. Nan. A Diviam La Pedicels Trivium Figure 2.. Schematte cros-see tion Radial Nerve —beep Plexus Basiepthelad Plexus be fot len — n — — — em Fe Ien — Iem Fut Conduciton Velocity in N E + a Sea Water (cm/s) Fgue 13 100- — O.1 Period (s)