Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus -Page 2- RAC ABS The general behavior of the supralittoral pseudoscorpion Garypus californicus was studied along the shoreline of Pacific Grove, California, where it is commonly found. Behavior, observed in the field and the lab, was analyzed and broken into components which were deseribed and figured. The components were divided into solitary and social behaviors, which were further divided into more specific categories containing specific actions and postures. 116 encounters between adult organisms were analyzed and treated as sequences of behaviors. An "intruder" either randomly entered or was placed in the area of an initially stationary "host". Threatening gestures made by the two participants usually resulted in one organism leaving or a fight. In 101 cases the end result was the intruder leaving. Significant amounts of clustering behavior were found and correlate well with the initial posture of the host. Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus -Page 3- INTRODUCTION Garypus californicus Banks, 1909, is a 4-5 mm long pseudoscorpion that occurs along the coastline from Trinidad, California, to Isla Asuncion and Isla de Guadalupe, Baja California (Lee, 1979). It has also been reported in the Pomona-Laguna, California area (Moore, 1917), from San Nicolas Island, California (Cockerell, 1940), and from Palo Alto, California (Banks, 1909). The geographical distribution of the animals appears to have been governed by the oceanic currents of the Pacific Ocean due to the use of rafting as a means of dispersal (Lee, 1979). It is a nocturnal animal that constructs nests for brooding, hibernation, and molting (Weygoldt, 1969). Little else is known about G. californicus. Although many studies have been made on the complex mating behaviors exhibited by pseudoscorpions, very few general behavioral studies have been made, and none on this species. In the present study an attempt was made to analyze the behavior of G. californicus into simple components that could be described, figured, and later treated as sequences of postures and actions during the recording of such activities as nest building, brooding, feeding, and fighting. MATERIALS AND METHODS Specimens were collected at various points along the high intertidal zone at Mussel Point and Asilomar Beach State Park, Pacific Grove, California, during the day and early evening between 19 April and 13 May, 1982. Organisms were captured and placed in small bottles for later laboratory analyses. Studies were carried out at the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University in Pacific Grove, California. Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus -Page 4- Pseudoscorpions were maintained in the laboratory in terraria (0.5-5.0 gallons). Each terrarium contained 1-3 cm of sand, a dish filled with wet sand, and rocks, pieces of wood, and shell for concealment. This arrangement mimicked the natural high intertidal habitat of the pseudoscorpions. Each terrarium was covered by a fine mesh netting to prevent escape. The animals were fed weekly with collembola collected from the beach. For closer observations, 60 mm petri dishes were lined with wet filter paper and a 5 mm layer of sand grains 0.7-1.0 mm in diameter. Animals apparently in good condition (moved about and ate occasionally) were kept in the laboratory for up to four weeks. Observations of behavior were made both in the field and in the laboratory. In the field, rocks in the high intertidal and supralittoral zone were overturned and observations were recorded. The rocks were then carefully returned to their original positions. In the laboratory, observations of the animals in the terraria and petri dishes were made using both a hand lens and a dissecting microscope. High speed behaviors were recorded on videotape through a dissecting a microscope, and analyzed at slow playback speeds. A total of 26 animals was observed. In analyzing behavior, a component was termed an action pattern if (1) it was performed by more than one individual, (2) it was observed more than once during the study, and (3) it varied in form about a typical or modal performance. Methods used in studying interactions between individuals are given in the section dealing with adult G. californicus behavior during encounters. Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus -Page 5- RESULTS HABITAT G. californicus can be found in a narrow band along the coastline, extending from the higher high water mark up to several meters above the initial appearance of vegetation. Individuals were found living under rocks or driftwood on dry or slightly moist substrates. No specimens were found on moist or wet substrates. Substrate size varied greatly from 0.5 mm diameter sand grains to 12 mm diameter gravel, although organisms were most commonly found on 1-3 mm diameter sand grains. Rock size did not appear to matter as long as the rock was not deeply buried and there was sufficient room under the rock for movement. Organisms commonly found with pseudoscorpions are centipedes, mites, spiders, amphipods, beetles, beetle and fly larvae, pill bugs, collembola, and ants. Discussion. G. californicus were always found above or right at the point of the highest drift. The pseudoscorpions were situated where they very rarely got splashed or submerged. (Lee, 1979), has reported they can only tolerate submergence for an hour, but may survive longer periods if there are air bubbles to press their spiracles against. Many females were found in brood nests. Often times spiders were found living very close to the pseudoscorpions. The spiders also constructed nests out of silk and gravel which were sometimes hard to distinguish from the ones made by pseudoscorpions. PSEUDOSCORPION ACTION PATTERNS AND POSTURES The postures and general behavior observed in G. californicus can be divided into solitary behavior patterns and social behavior patterns. Solitary behavior Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus -Page 6- patterns include non-locomotory action activities and postures, locomotory actions, grooming actions, feeding actions, nest building actions, and brooding actions and postures. Social behavior patterns include action patterns between adult pseudoscorpions, action patterns between juvenile animals, and action patterns associated with brooding and care of the young. Mating behavior was not seen. Many postures can be distinguished by the position and behavior of the pedipalps. In the descriptive nomenclature used, the word "chelae" refers to the pedipalp chelae, not chelicerae. The "wrist angle" is the angle formed by the pedipalp tibia and tarsus (fig. 1). The "elbow angle" is the angle formed by the pedipalp femur and tibia (fig. 1). The angle of the palpal femur to the main body axis is also shown in fig. 1. SOLITARY BEHAVIORS NON-LOCOMOTORY ACTION PATTERNS AND POSTURES [Legs are extended essentially as in fig. 2 unless otherwise noted) RESTING/RELAXED (fig. 2a) Femurs of pedipalps drawn in toward body, bringing elbows above opisthosoma; angle of elbows 30 degrees; chelae closed, tips nearly touching each other. RESTING/ALERT (fig. 2b) Femurs of pedipalps nearly parallel to prosoma, with femurs held at an angle of 0-20 degrees to main body axis; angle of elbows 100-120 degrees; chelae open. Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus -Page 7- COWERING From any previous position, pseudoscorpion immediately assumes the resting/relaxed position. THANATOSIS (fig. 2c) Body motionless, feigning death; legs fully folded up and held together underneath body; pedipalps drawn close to body with elbows nearly touching dorsally; chelae closed, tips of two chelae nearly touching each other and just anterior to the chelicerae. Discussion. The resting positions are the usual positions G. californiçus assume when not active. The resting/alert posture is used when the animals are in an exposed position where they are not surrounded by cover in at least two directions. The resting/relaxed posture is most frequently used when the pseudoscorpions are well concealed or clustered with other pseudoscorpions. When disturbed (as in lifting the cover of a petri dish), the pseudoscorpions cower and remain motionless. If not further disturbed, they resume activities in 1-3 minutes. When animals are greatly disturbed, they immediately assume the thanatosis position. In this position the pseudoscorpions are very hard to distinguish from the substrate or debris. In 1-3 minutes a pseudoscorpion slowly extends its legs and grasps the substrate if on its stomach. If it is on its back, it quickly rights itself. In both cases, after a few preliminary investigative movements, it quickly runs off. Remaining motionless probably offers the pseudoscorpions protection from predators who depend more on movement than touch or taste. -Page 8- Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus TERNS AND POSTURES LOCOMOTORY ACTION PA [The method of locomotion was observed to be the same as in other eight legged animals (Kaestner 1927 FORWARD WALK (fig. 3a) Femurs of pedipalps extended laterally, held 80-90 degrees from main body axis; angle of elbows 120-140 degrees; chelae open and pointing forwards; bottoms of movable fingers of chelae are constantly bounced along substrate when walking. FORWARD RUN (fig. 3b) Similar to foward walk, but with pedipalps extended farther forward; femurs of pedipalps held 100-120 degrees from main body axis; chelae are bounced along substrate much less frequently than in forward walk, and held higher. TURN (fig. 3c) Both chelae point in direction of turn; leading pedipalp femur held 70-80 degrees from main body axis, elbow angle 160-170 degrees, chela open; trailing pedipalp femur held 40-70 degrees from main body axis, elbow angle 80-90 degrees, wrist angle 90-100 degrees, chela closed or partially open. SIDEWAYS WALK (fig. 3d) Similar to turn, but with trailing chela also open and pointing forward; femur of trailing pedipalp held parallel to prosoma; trailing pedipalp wrist angle 80-90 degrees; walking motion is similar to that of a crab. Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garvpus -Page 9- BACKWARD RUN/WALK (fig. 3e) Femurs of pedipalps held against side of body; angle of elbows 70-100 degrees; chelae closed. RIGHTING RESPONSE (figs. 3f and 3g) Starting with pseudoscorpion lying on its back; legs are kicked actively; if they contact any surface, it is grasped and the animal rights itself; failing this, one pedipalp is extended anteriorly and the closed chela is pushed against substrate; at the same time the back is arched, lifting prosoma above substrate: opposite pedipalp is used as counterbalance and is pushed off the substrate dorsal to the prosoma and thrown anteriorly and laterally to bring the animal to its stomach; if unsuccessful, process is repeated alternating pedipalp functions until righted. INVESTIGATIVE MOVEMENTS After stopping locomotion, pedipalps are moved anteriorly, posteriorly, laterally, and dorsally; open chelae are touched to nearby objects and substrate. Discussion. During forward walking, the constant bouncing of the chelae on the substrate allow the pseudoscorpion to judge its surroundings. Fig. 4 shows the many sensory hairs on the pedipalp chelae. When walking alongside a large object, the inside pedipalp is bounced on the side of the object as the other pedipalp bounces on the substrate. The position of the pedipalps in the forward walk facilitates the quickest forward motion while still sensing what lies directly ahead. By pointing both chelae in the direction of motion in the turn, the pseudoscorpion can both have a clearer view and use its pedipalps to sense Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus -Page 10- what is in front of it. In the sideways walk, the turning posture is modified so that what is directly ahead and to the side can both be sensed. Both the sideways and backward walk/run are seldom used except when the animal is trying to escape. This may be because the sideways walk is an inefficient means of locomotion and the inability to sense where it is going in the backward walk. However, the backward walk is very quick, and is as fast or faster than the forward run. Usually a pseudoscorpion rights itself within seconds after falling on its back, but after many futile tries the animal becomes exhausted and rests with both pedipalps flexed and chelae held behind prosoma. After a short rest, attempts to right are continued until exhaustion or animal is righted. Frequently while walking, pseudoscorpions stop and make investigative movements with their pedipalps. These movements probably help orient them as course changes often follow these stops. GROOMING ACTION PA TTERNS AND POSTURES IThe chelae of the pedipalps are the most important sensory organs of the pseudoscorpion and must frequently be groomed to retain optimal functioning (Weygoldt, 1969). The tarsi of the legs also contain many hairs and which are also groomed, although not as frequently as the palpal fingers.) GROOMING OF CHELAE (fig. 5a) One finger of chela is slowly pushed, from tip to base through chelicerae; other pedipalp is held in the resting/alert position. Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus -Page 11- GROOMING OF LEGS (figs. 5a and 5b) Body is braced against immovable object; one pedipalp is held in resting/alert position while other is used to hold body above substrate; all four Tegs on the side of the bracing pedipalp are lifted off the substrate and the tarsi rubbed against each other. Discussion. The grooming of the chelicerae is always done by first grooming the fixed finger of one chela, then the movable finger of the same chela. The other chela is then groomed, fixed finger before movable. If interrupted before completion of the actions, the next time grooming is attempted, the process is repeated in totality. The hairs on the legs are probably sensory, but aren't as important as those on the chelae. During grooming of the legs, the tarsi are rubbed together for 10-30 seconds, after which the animal may walk off or groom the legs on the other side. FEEDING ACTION PATTERNS AND POSTURES The pseudoscorpion feeds on small soft-bodied arthropods such as flies. collembola, beetle larvae, and adult beach-flies emerging from puparia (Evans, 1980). and has also been seen preying on hard-bodied arthropods (Lee, 1979). In the Taboratory the pseudoscorpion was observed eating collembola and small spiders. GRASP (fig. 6a) May involve one or both chelae; grasped object is held between movable and fixed fingers of chela. Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus -Page 12- CHELA TO CHELICERAE TRANSFER (fig. 6b) Object grasped by chela is brought to and grasped by chelicerae: pedipalp chela then releases object. FEEDING METHOD Prey is quickly grasped and poison injected by the poison teeth at chela fingertips; prey is either held until it stops struggling or is dropped and later grasped by chela; prey is transferred from chela to chelicerae, which pierces the body for reception of digestive enzymes from gut; prey is sucked dry and either dropped to the ground or transferred to the chela and then dropped. Fig. 4 details the poison teeth at the chelae tips. Discussion. Pseudoscorpions often miss at their first attempted grasp at prey. If prey is still within range, more grasps are attempted until successful of prey is out of range. They do not chase their prey, but wait motionless until prey approaches and then quickly grasps it. Most of the time the prey is then dropped and ignored until the poison takes effect and prey is immobilized before consumption. More than one prey can be killed at one sitting. NEST BUILDING AND BROODING ACTION PATTERNS AND POSTURES [Brood nests are built using any solid substrate for a wall. Where small particles (such as sand or gravel) are abundant, they are used in the construction of the other walls of the brood nest.) BROOD NEST CONSTR UCTION Particle to be used in construction is grasped, transferred to chelicerae. then positioned in wall of nest and immediately glued into place by silk extruded by spinnerets located at the ends of the moyable fingers of the Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus -Page 13- chelicerae. Fig. 7 gives a detailed photo of the spinnerets and hairs surrounding the chelicerae. SILK EXTRUSION RELATED MOVEMENTS When silk is exuded, movements of the prosoma facilitate aiming of silk application. LAYING OF EGGS AND FORMING OF BROOD SAC Not observed in the lab. BROODING POSITION Brood sac with eggs remains attached to genital pore; legs grasp the side or top of brood nest; pedipalps positioned as in resting/relaxed posture. Discussion. Brood nests are built one layer at a time, like an igloo. At least one side of the nest is solid, usually the bottom of the rock. The other sides are constructed by gluing one particle into place at a time and then building over it. This continues until the pseudoscorpion is completely enclosed. The actual construction takes from 1-2 days, followed by 1-2 days of lining the walls with silk. In the lab a pseudoscorpion was observed to line a structure consisting of two well-slides placed face to face with silk and form a brood nest. After the lining the walls, the female grasps the side or the top of the nest, and about 2 days later forms a brood sac filled with 16-25 eggs. The female feeds the eggs nutritive fluids from her body and the eggs grow (Weygoldt, 1969). The female does not eat or move while brooding except when the enlargement of the eggs forces her to change positions. If disturbed while brooding, female either repairs small holes, or drops her brood sac, leaves the nest, and runs away. Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus -Page 14- SOCIAL BEHAVIORS lOnly thise actions and postures which differ from previously mentioned ones are included in this section. Mating, caring of the young, and behavior between juveniles were not seen.) NON-AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIORS BETWEEN ADULTS WALKOVER One pseudoscorpion walks over the back of another. CLUSTER One pseudoscorpion settles down beside another and assumes one of the resting positions. Discussion. The walkover most frequently takes place when the psedoscorpion being walked on is in the resting/relaxed position. If it occurs in any other position, aggressive behavior usually follows. Pseudoscorpions are often found clustering together in groups of two or more. This may have some survival value. AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIORS BETWEEN ADULTS THREATENING GESTURE (fig. 8) The pedipalps, initially in the resting/alert position, are rapidly extended anterior to the prosoma so the open chelae almost touch each other; pedipalps very rapidly return to the resting/alert position; motion may be repeated many times. Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus -Page 15- CHELA-TO-CHELA GRASE The chela of one animal is grasped by the chela of another pseudoscorpion. LEG PINCH One leg of a pseudoscorpion is grasped by the chela of another. FIGHT One or more chela-to-chela grasps and/or leg pinches are made between two pseudoscorpions. FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT RESPONSE After a threatening gesture is made by one pseudoscorpion to another, the threatened animal either runs away or stays and fights. QUICK SPIN Pseudoscorpion rapidly spins around to face the source of a stimulus from the side or rear. CHASE One pseudoscorpion walks or runs after another while making threatening gestures and/or leg pinches. Discussion. Threatening gestures are used as a warning and as a challenge to other animals who enter an area occupied by a pseudoscorpion. Gestures précede many fights, although, rarely, gestures are made after a fight. The chela-to-chela grasp is often the first contact of a fight. When a pseudoscorpion's chela is grasped, it struggles violently. Once free, it may then run away or continue fighting. An aggressing animal approaching another from the side or rear initiates a fight by giving a leg pinch. The pinched animal does a quick spin and a fight ensues. Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus -Page 16- A fight between two pseudoscorpions never ends fatally. This may be due to immunity to its own poison, or the non-injection of poison, although the mechanism of grasping appears the same as that in feeding. After a loser Teaves the scene of a fight, the victor sometimes gives chase, but chases are made only for short distances. ADULT G. CALIFORNICUS BEHAVIOR DURING ENCOUNTERS (fig. 9) METHODS In studying interactions between idividuals, only adult pseudoscorpions were used. There were three parts to the experiment. In one part four females and one male were simultaneously placed in a 60 mm petri dish lined with wet filter paper and à 5 mm layer of sand grains. A second part was carried out with two females in a dish, and the third involved one female and one male in a dish. Encounters were either random interactions or set up by placing one individual 2-3 mm in front of another. When one pseudoscorpion, the "intruder", moved or was placed within 3 mm of an initially stationary "host", an encounter occurred. Data from each encounter were recorded on a pre-designed chart which included most combinations of prior observations. New combinations were added to the chart when they occurred. An encounter ended when (1) one animal moved moved at least 6 mm from the point of initial interaction, (2) both animals left, or (3) both settled down within 6 mm of each other. Relative sizes were estimated during each encounter. Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus -Page 17- RESULTS This experiment was performed to test general social behaviors during encounters, and differences between male and female interactions. The first experiment involving four females and one male had a total of 76 encounters. The second involved two females and 20 encounters, and the third involved one male and one female with 20 encounters. No significant difference was noted between male/female interactions and female/female interactions. For this reason all further numbers refer to the combined total of 116 encounters. Following the initial placement or entry of an intruder, one of four events occurred. (1) In 32 trials the intruder was ignored, and in 25 of those the intruder left. In five others the intruder walked over the host and left, but in two cases a fight resulted after the intruder walked on the host, and in both cases the intruder left after the fight. (2) In 34 trials the first action made was either a chela-to-chela grasp or a leg pinch, (3) In 46 trials a threatening gesture was made by one or both animals. (4) In the remaining 4 trials the intruder and host clustered together. Where the first action was a grasp, twice as many first grasps were done by the host than the intruder. In 21 cases the first grasp resulted in the intruder leaving, while the other 13 resulted in a fight. All but two of the intruders left after the fight. In most of the encounters which began with a gesture, the host gestured and the intruder followed suit. In 22 cases the intruder left after the gestures, but in another 22 a fight resulted. After the fight, the intruder left 15 of the times, while the host left 4 times, and both clustered another 4 times (numbers do not add up because "both leave" is counted twice). 101 out of the 116 encounters ended with intruder leaving, while in only 11 Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus -Page 18- interactions the host left. 37 encounters resulted in fights and 10 encounters ended with clustering. DISCUSSION The initial posture of the host was an important factor in determining the result of the interaction. If the host was in the resting/relaxed position, the intruder clustered or was ignored a large percentage of the time , whereas if the host was in the resting/alert posture aggressive behavior usually resulted. This supports the belief that the resting/relaxed posture is more of a sleeping state and weak stimuli are not sufficient to elicit any response. However in the resting/alert posture, the pseudoscorpion is receptive to all stimuli as in the fight-or-flight response. There were probably more aggressive interactions in the lab than in the natural habitat because more animals were in the resting/alert state due to the absence of places for concealment in the dish and the higher population density. But, the ratios for the two different types of aggressive interactions are still accurate. Thère is some question of whether or not pseudoscorpions show territoriality. Many times they are found clustered closely together without apparent signs of territoriality, yet the frequent fighting when one's area is intruded upon contradicts this. It may be that when a pseudoscorpion is active or in the resting/alert position. it does not let other animals in its area, but when it sleeps it does. In those cases where threatening gestures were made, if the host was the only one to gesture, the intruder usually left. If the intruder gestured at any time, a fight usually ensued. It appears that the intruder takes the gesture as a challenge and "decides" whether to fight or run away. No correlation between size and decision was noted. Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus -Page 19- When the intruder was significantly larger (at least 1.5 times) than the host. there was a higher probability the host would lose the fight and leave. In no cases where the host was of comparable size or larger did it leave. The host seems to have an advantage over the intruder, and this advantage does not depend on length of residency prior to the encounter. Length of residency varied from a few seconds to ten minutes. -Page 20- Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus ACKNOHLEDGEMENT I wish to thank Dr. Donald P. Abbott for the tremendous amount of assistance, advice, and patience he had during the course of this study and the preparation of this manuscript. Special thanks to Chris Patton for assistance in making the excellent el ec tron micrographs, and Alan Baldridge for his help in collecting the literature used. Finally, thanks are also due to all the faculty, TA's, and students of the Problems in Marine Biology Class (Spring, 1982) at Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University for their comments, suggestions, and moral support. -Page 21- Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus LITERATURE CITED. Banks, N. 1909. New Pseudoscorpionida. Canad. Entomol. 41: 303-307. Chamberlin, J.C. 1921. Notes on the genus Garypus in North America (Pseudoscorpionida-Celiferidae). Canad. Entomol. 53: 186-91. Cockerell, T. D. A. 1940. The insects of the California islands. Proc. of the Sixth Pacific Sci. Congress of the Pacific Sci. Assoc. 4: 283-295. Evans, W. G. 1980. Insecta, Chilopoda, and Arachnida: insects and allies, pp. 641- 658 and fig. 28.2, Plate 190. In R. H. Morris, D. P. Abbott, and E. C. Haderlie, Intertidal invertebrates of California. Stanford, Calif. Stanford University Press. 690 pp. Lee, V. F. 1979. The maritime pseudoscorpions of Baja California, Mexico (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpionida). Occas. Pap. Calif. Acad. Sci. 131: 1-38. Moore, W. T. 1917. Record of two pseudoscorpions from the Claremont-Laguna Region. Jour. Ent. Zoo. 9: 26-29. Savory, T. H. 1966. False scorpions. Science. 214: 95-100. Weygoldt, P. 1969. The biology of pseudoscorpions. Cambridge, Mass,: Harvard University Press. 145 pp. Lum: Behavior in the Pseudoscorpion Garypus -Page 22- CAPTIONS Fig. 1. Pseudoscorpion anatomy. (a) Ventral view. (b) Dorsal view. Non-Locomotory postures. Fig. 2. (a) Resting/Relaxed. (b) Resting/Alert. (c) Thanatosis. Locomotory postures. Fig. 3. (a) Forward walk. (b) Forward run. (c) Left turn. (d) Sideways walk. (e) Righting response (ventral view). (f) Righting response (lateral view). Scanning electron micrograph of the ventral view of pedipalp chela showing Fig. 4. sensory hairs and poison teeth. (0 ) Fig. 5. Grooming postures. (a) Grooming of chela. (b) Grooming of legs. Fig. 6. Feeding postures. (a) Grasp. (b) Chela to chelicerae transfer. Scanning electron micrograph of the chelicerae showing spinnerets and hairs.(200 Fig. 7. Threatening gesture. Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Sequences of behavior during encounters in adult Garypus californicus. First number in parentheses refers to number of interactions in the experiment with four females and a male. Second number refers to experiment involving two females, and third refers to interactions in the male/female experiment. The relative width of arrows indicates the combined total of all experiments. PROSOMA OPISTHOSOMA CHELA —MOVABLE FINGER WRST CHELICERAE TARSUS ELBOW TIBIA —FEMUR 6 ROCHANTER COXA -COXA STROCHANTER JFEMUR TIBIA TARSUS VENTRAL VIEW (a) Figure S (b) Figure 2 -23 Lum 4mm PEDIPALP ANGLE OF FEMUR MAIN BODY AXIS DORSAL VIEW (b) (c) (c) Lum-2 (5 S (d) e (f) (9) Figure 4 kum -25 (a) Figure 5 Figure 6 V (b) Lum -26 (c) (a) (5) Figure 7 Lum -27- S K S Figure 8 kam -28 50 o Su 8 U 2 S a L Lum-2