t ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, IF ANY, CONCERNING AUTHORS, ADDRESS, TITLE, OR CITATION DATA PLEASE TYPE ABSTRACT DOUBLE SPACED BELOW ROSS, THOMAS L. (Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pacific Grove, California). Light Responses in the Limpet Acmaea limatula (Mollusca:Gastropoda: Prosobranchia). The Veliger Light responses in six species of the genus Acmaea (Acmaea scabra, A. digitalis, A.scutum, A. pelta, A. asmi, and A. limatula) were investigated. Acmaea limatula showed the strongest responses to light. All responses exhibited were negative phototaxes. Experiments varying color and intensity indicate the eyespots of A. limatula are important as photoreceptors in colors blue, green and red at high andh low intensities. There is at least one other photoreceptor and pigment, which is functional only in blue light at higher intensities. Other observations showed no correlations between size and response to light.-Author. PLEASE DO NOT TVPE BELOW THIS LINE 380 O C r PONSES IN THE LIMPET ACMAEA LIN LIGHT RE (MOLLUSCA: PROSOBRANCHIA) By Tom L. Ross Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University Pacific Grove, California * Fetnot TUI A C O 2 - Tom L. Ross Preliminary observations of the phototactic responses of the limpet Acmaea limatula Carpenter, 1864, led to the studies of spectral sensitivity reported in this paper. Mean response times of dark-adapted animals to light of different colors and intensities were determined, and at¬ tempts made to anatomically localize the photoreceptors. The results suggest the possibility of at least two photo- receptors and several visual pigments in this organism. METHODS AND MATERIALS The animals used were all collected at Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, California, in the intertidal zone between plus 2-6 ft. The observations of responses were made in a plastic lined, water-tight wooden trough, which could be continuously supplied with fresh sea water. At each end of the trough, a 150 watt tungsten lamp, enclosed in a sheet metal box, supplied the illumination. The boxes. painted flat black to reduce reflection, had 3/4" holes drilled in the face at the height of the lamp filaments. Each light, connected through a rheostat, could be inde¬ pendently operated for illumination from one, or both ends of the trough. 3. C C - 3 - Tom L. Ross Various areas of the spectrum were isolated by Corning glass filters, nos. 554, 401, and 244, correspond¬ ing respectively to blue, green, and red. Maximum trans¬ mittance with the blue filter was at 425 mu, decreasing to 10% transmittance at 500 mu, and cutting off completely above 540 mu. The green filter transmitted maximally at 520 mu, with no transmittance below 460 mu or above 600 mu. The red filter transmitted all wavelengths greater than 600 mu. A standard infrared absorbing filter, composed of acidic 0.5% CuSOg in distilled water, was also used. Light inten¬ sity was varied by adjustment of a rheostat. In experiments with white light the animals were placed 32 cm from the light source and the intensity at each rheostat voltage setting determined with a thermopile. Where color and intensity were varied, this thermopile reading was used to approximate equal intensities of the light at each color at any given voltage. This was accom¬ plished by varying the distance of the animals from the light source, as dictated by the thermopile readings. The difference in distance between the placement of animals in white light and the placement in any other color never ex¬ ceeded 10 cm (in blue), and in some cases was as little as 2 cm (in red). Because of the insensitivity of the galvanom¬ eter, accurate measurements were not possible below 60 volts. 889 - 4 - Tom L. Ross The equalizations of intensity are, therefore, only approximate. Data were obtained on response (yes or no), response time, and response time as a function of color and intensity, The response time given is from initial illumination until a definitive turning response (described below) was ascer¬ tained. All animals used in the experiments were allowed to dark adapt for a minimum of one hour. III SUETS AND DISCUSSION In the initial work it was necessary to determine a definitive response of the limpet to illumination, such as a turning response (Fraenkel and Gunn, 1940), or to changing illumination, such as in the clam, Ma (Hecht, 1919). Also it was necessary to determine whether the genus Acmaea would exhibit sufficiently consistent responses on which to base a study. Ten animals of the species' Acmaea pelta, Eschscholtz 1833, Acmaea scabra, Gould 1846, Acmaea scutum, Eschscholtz 1833, Acmaea digitalis, Eschscholtz 1833, Acmaea limatula, Carpenter 1864, and Acmaea asmi, Middendorf 1849, were col¬ lected and tested for light responses. The general response to light, when exhibited in any species, was found to be a combination of backward movement, sidewards movement, and a 180° reversal of orientation. 396 - 5 - Tom L. Ross During illumination the animal shows a characteristic exten¬ sion of pallial and cephalic tentacles, while the shell is kept fairly close to the substrate. Quantitative results (Table I) show that both the percentage of animals responding to light, and the speed of this response, is greater in Acmaea limatula than in the other species. This species, therefore, was chosen for continued study. It was decided that the reversal response, if exhibited within four minutes after illumination, would be scored as the definitive response. Responses after four minutes were scored as negative. fty-one Acmaea limatula were collected and tested, of which fifty showed positive responses with a mean re¬ sponse time of 76 seconds and a standard deviation of 26 seconds. The responses of these animals to illumination from the opposite direction was also tested. In only 7 out of 50 cases did the animal stop in his initial turning response when the illumination was changed from one end of the trough to the other. After an extended time those ani¬ mals which did not initially respond to the second light would migrate away from it. These observations suggest some process of bleaching or adaptation to illumination. All the following studies were done with the fifty animals which exhibited the initial positive responses, regardless of the response to the second illumination. 89 0 - 6 - Tom L. Ross A control experiment was then done to determine the animal's natural response to being removed from an aquarium and being placed, in total darkness, into the testing apparatus. Of twenty-five animals tested in the dark, only two showed behavior which might have been cons rued as a positive response had the animal been illuminated. The above findings show that the results obtained in all experiments are not significantly affected by the animal's natural response to being moved, but depend only on illumination. In the next experiment ten animals were placed in a dry trough to ascertain the effect on response time and percentage of responses. Six of the ten animals showed responses with a mean time of 112 seconds and standard deviation of 36. This experiment shows that although the animals do respond to light when out of water, there is a significant decrease in both pet rate and anumber of responding animals. In the next experiment correlations between size and response time were examined. Thirty animals were chosen; ten each in size ranges less than nine om, nine to sixteen om, and greater than sixteen cm. All three groups showed at least nine out of ten responses, with respective times and standard deviations of 71122, 68114, 7+0 and //.21 seconds. These results suggest no correlation 34 7 - Tom L. Ross between response to light and size of the animal. Spectral sensitivity of the response was then in¬ vestigated, using the various color filters. The results of this experiment, shown in Table 2, indicate equal sensi¬ tivity in the visible spectrum at the maximum intensity of the lamp. In the next experiment, attempts were made to localize the photoreceptors of Acmaea. The presumptive receptors are the eyespots, which in Acmaea limatula are greenish in color and are located at the base of the cephalic tentacles on the back of the head. Several at¬ tempts were made to remove the eyespots by cauterization with a hot needle. The five out of 18 animals which recovered completely had lost their cephalic tentacles as a result of the operation, and hence no indications of eyespots were apparent. These five animals were then tested for sensitivity to light of various speotra and atensity. The second part of Table 2 shows the eyeless animals react significantly only to white and blue light at maximum intensity. The last experiment run in this study determined the effect of varying intensity of white, blue, green, and red light on the responses of normal and eyeless Acmaea limatula. The results of this experiment are shown in 89 - 8 - Tom L. Ross Table 3 and Figures 1, 2, and 3. In normal animals, the response time in white, blue, and red light is biphasic. whereas in eyeless animals responses are only seen i high intensities in blue and white light. The results of the last two experiments suggest the presence of at least two pigments in Acmaea limatula, with the eyespots probably most important at the lower intensities. The greenish color of the eyespot might account for the fact that the animal exhibits poor responses to green light at lower intensities. The site of the other photoreceptor is completely undetermined. Two possible candidates are either the pallial tentacles, which normally are extended from under the shell edge, or, in A. limatula, the heavily pig- mented side of the foot. Either of these possibilities would entail an amazing nerve network to determine the source of light since both the pallial tentacles and the foot would be symmetrical sites for the photoreceptors as opposed to the normal condition of directional asymmetry of photoreceptors. 39 C C - 9 - Tom L. Ross SUMMARY Light responses in six species' of the genus Acmaea (Acmaea scabra, Acmaea digitalis, Acmaea scutum, Acmaea pelta, Acmaea asmi, Acmaea limatula) were investigated. The limpet, Acmaea limatula, showed the strongest responses to light. In all cases, responses when exhibited, were of a negative phototactic nature. Experiments varying color and intensity indicate the eyespots of Acmaea limatula are important as photoreceptors in colors blue, green, and red at high and low intensities. There is at least one other photoreceptor and pigment, which is functional only in blue light at higher intensities. C 395 C - 10 - Tom L. Ross ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to express his thanks to Drs. Lawrence Blinks and David Epel of Hopkins Marine Station, for their ideas and comments throughout this project. This work was made possible by grant GY806 from the Undergraduate Research Participation Program of the National Science Foundation. O 39 O -10a- Tom L. Ross LI ERATURE CITED Fraenkel, Gottfried, and Donald L. Gunn 1940. The Orientation of Animals. Oxford, The Clarendon Press, vi + 352 pp. echt, Selig 1919. Sensory equilibrium and dark adaptation in Mya arenaria. Journ. General Physiology 1:545-558. C Table 1: Table 2: Table 3 - 11 - Tom L. Ross TABLE LEGENDS Responses of 6 species' of Acmaea to white light. Animals 32 cm distant from 110 volt light source. Responses of Acmaea limatula, normal and without eyespots, to light of varying spectra. Intensity is approximately equal in all colors. Responses of normal Acmaea limatula to light of different colors and intensities, and responses of eyeless animals to varying intensities of blue light in seconds. The numbers indicate mean re¬ sponse time in seconds, standard deviation, and (in parentheses) the number of responses versus animals tested. O 890 c - 12 - Tom L. Ross IGURE LEGENDS Figure 1: Responses of Acmaea limatula to varying inten- sities of white light. Responses of Acmaea limatula to blue, green, Figure 2: and red light of varying intensities. Figure 3: Responses of Acmaea limatula, without eyespots, to blue light of varying intensities. C 29 FOOTNOTES Page 1. * Permanent address: Tom L. Ross K O 2 160 40- 0120. 100. 80- Q60 Z 40- L 20- 110 kkaaaakaa- 50 40 30 00 90 80 70 60 VOLTAGE (INTENSITY) — 10 O 240- 220 200 180 —160- 140- L 120- oo- 80- O — 60 Z 408 L 2 20 110 BLUE — GREEN - 0 RED- 0 00 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 VOLTAGE (NTENSITY P2 10 200 1180- 160 40 120 2 O oo O80 L Ooo Z 40 120 2 10 100 90 taaakataa 80 70 GO 50 40 VOLTAGE (INTENSITY) 30 70 Species Acm c on t italis natula No. Animals 10 10 10 10 10 . TABLE 1 No. Responses Mean response time (Seconds) 173 140 101 201 . -- Sandar devie on (seaands) 35 56 18 —— 21 404 TABLE 2° Normal animals No. oP. Mean Filter Animals Responses responso time teste (seconds nfrared absorbing 10 10 57 Blue 10 10 Green 10 10 52 Red 10 61 4 Animals Without Dyespots . 11. red absorbing Blue 79 Green 56 Red kk ". ard viation. (sezonds) 10 31 17 405 — C S B + lo R S + aa SO SO O . + 2 0 t S . , + + aaaaaa- 88888 8 406