O MDV TIDT SIS DURING EMBHIOGENESIS AND LATER DEVELOPMENT RNA SYN 0Y TRDT -10 IN THE BARNACLE POLDIC 1 POLTMERUE Tom Raffin DT HOPKINS MARINE STATION p LELAND STANFORD JUNIOA UNIVERSII. June 6, 1967 INTRODUCTIO! There has been alot of investigation recently, concerning RNA synthesis in the indeterminant embryos of Echinoids (Glisin & Glisin, 1964; Gross et al., 1964; Gross et al., 1965; Nemer, 1963; Slater & Spiegelman, 1966a, 1966b; Stavy & Gross, 1967; Whiteley et al., 1966; Wilt, 1963). Little experimentation has been carried out with determinant, spiral cleaving embryos as in the barnacle Pollicipes polymerus. The goose barnacle is distributed along the exposed rocky coast of Western North America from British Columbia to the middle of Baja, California (Cornwall, 1925). The eggs of the barnacle pass down the oviducts to the atria, where they receive a protective coating which glues them together into masses. These masses eventually come to lie inâthe mantle cavity on either side, where they are pressed flat to form the two ovigerous lamellae (Hilgard, 1960). In a pair of ovigerous lamellae taken from any one parent, embryos appear to be synchronous and develop until they are hatched out as nauplius larvae. The technique employed in this paper is radioactive lableing with C-Uridine with stages ranging from cleavage to the second molt after hatching. TEPT* THODS AND MATERIALS Preparation of Ovigerous Lamellae: Pollicipes polymerus were collected from Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, California. A pair of ovigerous lamellae, approximately .5 grams, were removed from the same animal and placed in Millipore Filtered Sea Water at 13° C. Care was taken to use ovigerous lamellae of the same size, and experimentation was commenced within 4 hours of removal. Hatched nauplius larvae were obtained from ovigerous lamellae that were placed in glass dishes of Millipore Filtered Sea Water at 13 C (Hilgard, 1960). RNA Extraction: Ovigerous lamellae were incubated for one hour, before C+"-Uridine (Calbiochemical Co.) was added, in sea water containing 508/ml of streptomycin (Sigma Chem. Co.) and 300 units/ml of penicillin (Sigma Chem. Co.). Conditions for pulse lableing zperiments are specified under the respective graphs. The incorporation of C-Uridine was stopped by placing the ovigerous lamellae in a homogenizer with 3.5 ml of homogenization media and raoidly freezing in a dry ice-acetone bath. The homog. media was composed of sodium acetate buffer,.O1 M, pH 5; Nacl, O.1M; Mgclo, 10 2 M; with sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), 0.5%; and bentonite 1 mg ml. ure was thawing, homogenization commencod, anda As the mi approximately 3 minutes mere required for disruption of the lamellae. An equal volume of sodium acetate buffer-saturated purified phenol (Allied Chem.) was then added to the homogenate and the mixture 19 vigorously shaken at regular intervals for 15 minutes at 4 C (Gross et al., 1965; Slater and Spiegelman, 19660). It was then placed in a Sorvall RC-2B Centrifuge at 12,500 rpm (20,000 g's) for 3 minutes. The aqueous phase was collected and subjected to 2 additional phenol extractions. The aqueous phase of the 3rd extraction was incubated for 15 minutes with.25 mg of DNAase (Sigma Chem. Co.) before being extracted a Uth time with phenol. Two volumes of cold 75% ethanol were added to the aqueous phase that was collected after the Ath phenol extraction and then the precipitated RNA was stored for 1 hour at 3 C to allow settling of the precipitate. This precipitate was then centrifuged and washed with 75% ethanol and dissolved in 3.5 ml of the original homogenization media, andincubated for 15 minutes. This 2nd treatment with SLS was to assure removal of lipids. The solution was then subjected to a final phenol extraction and the collected aqueous phase was precipitated with ethanol as before. After one hour of refrigeration the precipitate was washed with ether and then with 752 ethanol. It was then dissolved in.5 ml of sodium acetate buffer (without SLS or Bentonite) and used for sedimentation analysis. Sedimentation Analysis: A 20% - 5% sucrose gradient was used. The sucrose was dissolved in sodium acetate buffer and stirred with bentonite, l mgm/ml, overnight to remove any RNAase (Gross et al., 1964). The .5 ml RNA sample was layered onto the top of the gradient by 18. the method of Bri ten & Roberts (1960). An I.E.C. model B-35 ultracentrifuge, with a SB-206 rotor, was used at 35,000 rpm (206,000 g's) for 8 hours. The sucrose gradient was checked for linearity with a sucrose refractometer (American Optical Co.). Glucose Oxidase (Sigma Chem. Co.) was used as a sedimentation velocity marker according to the method of Martin & Ames (1960). A Yale Luer-Lok 216 hypodermic needle was used to puncture the centrifuge tubes. Four-drop fractions were collected (approximatelyl.3 ml), with 0.1 ml of each fraction used for Optical Density measurements at 260mA3. Carrier RNA (---mgm) was added to the remainderof the fraction and the RNA precipitated by addition of 5 mls. of 5% TCA. The precipitate was collected on a Whatman Glass Filter GF/B, washed two times with 752 ethanol. — glued to an aluminum planchet, dried, and counted on a Chicago Nuclear Gas Flow counter. 194 PTRIT ADHV BISLIOGR n tten, R.J., Roberts, R.B., (1960), Science, 131, 33 Cornwall, I.E., (1925), Cont r. Canad. Biol., 2, 469-502 Glisin, V.R., Glisin, M.V.sProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S., 52, 1548 762 Gross, P.R., Malkin, L.1., Moyer, W.A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S., 51, 207 jross, P.R., Malking, L.I., Hubbard, M., J., (1965), J. Mol. Biol., 13, 463 Hilgrad, G.H., (1960), Biol. Bull., 119, 169 Martin, R.B., Ames, B.N., (1960), J. Biol. Chem., 236, 1372 Nemer, M., (1963), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 50, 230 Slater, D.W., Spiegelman, S., (1966a), Proc. atl. Acad.Sci. U.S., 6. 164 later, D.W., Spiegelman, S., (1966b), Biophysical Journal, 385 javy, L., Gross, P.R., (1967), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.,, 57, 735 Whiteley, A.H., MoCarthy, B.J., Whiteley, H.R., (1966), Proc. 61. 5, 519 ads Sci. U.S., 5 Wilt, F.H., (1963), Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 11, 447 195 0 ACKNOWI EDGEMEN 1. MyCock and his manual dexterity in boring out plastic. tion from mixing 2. Big Bertha whose indiges dyes with sugar lost me 240 hours. helped 3. Corky Weaver uho soothemy neurosis. 4. The Man for endless hours of aid, supervision... -and of course- 5. To all the Anthopleuras in the world. 15