Amy Levenson Self-fertilization in Botryllus INTRODUCTION The phenomenon of self-sterility in Botryllus is maintained by a dual system. In the synchronous life cycle of the colony, ovulation precedes the release of sperm by one or two days (Milkman, 1967) preventing self-fertilization in most cases, In their natural environment, Botryllus colonies are exposed to large amounts of sperm released by neighboring colonies. Cross fertilization occurs rapidly between organisms at different sexual stages and it is rare for a colony containing unfertilized eggs to be collected directly from the field. A second block to self-fertilization, presumably residing in the diploid maternally derived egg envelope, is also present (Oka 1970, Scofield 1981). This barrier is not absolute, and gradually breaks down in an isolated colony (approximately one- half or two days after ovulation, Scofield). With this breakdown, asynchronous embryonic development is accompanied by a high frequency of maldevelopment of embryos and failure of the larvae to complete metamorphosis (Sabbadin 1971), Ascidian eggs are surrounded by a three-layered envelope. Within the perivitelline space test cells rest on the ovum itself. The acellular chorion surrounds the egg and test cells, and is overlai by flattened follicle cells (figure 1). In previous experiments, the precise location of the internal barrier to self-fertilization was not determined because enzymatic and mechanical techniques did not differentially affect the different egg layers (Morgan 1923, Rosati 1978). In Botryllus, the extremely close opposition of the three layers further complicates any detailed investigation of the exact location Self-fertilization in Botryllus Amy Levenson of the barrier in this species. The present work presents a successful new technique allowing selective dechorionation and removal of follicle cells of the Botryllus egg. With the aid of this technique the phenomenon of colonial self-sterility was examined. The localization of the barrier to self-fertilization in the chorion or follicle cells is documented with an increased degree of certainty and detail. MATERIALS AND METHODS Colonies ofBotryllus were gathered from beneath the docks of the Monterey Marina during the months of April and May. Individual colonies were separated and placed in 700 ml. glass beakers with approximately 600 ml. filtered sea water at room temperature (20° C) with a constant source of aeration. The containers were washed with a 1% solution of 7x detergent (Linbro) and refilled daily. Eggs were removed from the adult by means of a slit between the oral and atrial siphons and gentle pressure on the tunic. Colonies were categorized according to their degree of embryonic development and monitored for hatching and ovulation. Dechorionation Eggs were pipetted from the atrial cavity of Botryllus and placed in polypropylene dishes (PolyCons, Cole-Parmer Plastics), in which they were washed three times in filtered sea water. One drop/three milliliters of penicillin-streptomycin Amy Levenson Self-fertilization in Botryllus solution (5000U/m1/5000 g/ml) was added to the culture if not used immediately. The filtered sea water was aspirated off and a 1% solution of cellulase (Sigma no. C-7377) added for three hours. (All solutions were made in filtered sea water with o.5 M TRIS buffer (pH 9.1) to pH 6.8 and sterilized with a millipore filter.) The cellulase solution was then aspirated off and replaced in successive five minute intervals by a 0.5% solution of protease (Sigma no. P-5130), a 2% solution of bovine serum albumin (Sigma no. A-4503) and a 0.5% solution of bovine serum albumin. The eggs were then washed three times in filtered sea water with a triple concentration of penicillin-streptomycin (figure 2). Fertilization Approximately ten testes were removed from the atrial cavities of Botryllus colonies and collected in a PolyCon dish. The testes were washed three times in filtered sea water (with one drop/three milliliters of penicillin streptomycin added to the culture) and refrigerated at approximately 4° C. An appropriate number of eggs were also removed and washed. In a sterile depression dish, one drop of penicillin-streptomycin solution was added to 25-50 microliters of sterile filtered sea water. The testes were then transferred to the depression dish and were gently teased apart. The resulting suspension was triturated several seconds in the pipette to evenly distribute the sperm. Eggs were next gathered in a pasteur pipette and allowed to sink to the tip. The eggs were carefully trans ferred onto the top of the sperm solution in two to three drops (total volume approximately 100 ml.) The depression dish Self-fertilization in Botryllus Amy Levenson was then loosely covered with aluminum foil and placed in a moisture chamber. After approximately four hours first cleavages could be observed. Self-fertilization Immediately upon release of larvae, colonies were divided in half. At this time, eggs are maturing in the new adult zooids from the second generation buds. One half of each colony was stored at 15° C to slow the breakdown of the egg's internal barrier to self-fertilization. The other half was left undisturbed at room temperature to develop mature testes. When the testes of the colony held at room temperature contained mature sperm, the fertilization protocol was followed. RESULTS Dechorionation of Eggs with Cellulase In the first series of experiments, unfertilized Botryllus eggs were dechorionated enzymatically with a combination of cellulase and protease. The chorion and overlaying follicle cells were selectively removed, leaving the test cells and the egg plasma membrane intact (figure 3). To verify the success of this unique treatment, fertilization of the dechorionated eggs and an untreated control were simultaneously undertaken. Experimental results indicate that the percentage fertilization was not significantly different between treated and untreated eggs (table 1). Dechorionated eggs, however, were much more susceptible to contamination, necessitating the modification of a normal fertilization protocol (Scofield) Amy Levenson Self-fertilization in Botryllus with the use of sterile solutions, sterile glassware and a triple concentration of penicillin -streptomycin in the wash solution. Examination of the Barrier to Self-fertility In the second series of experiments, Botryllus colonies were divided and their development manipulated until simultaneous maturation of the gametes was obtained. Four sets of crosses were run simultaneously: normal (egg) x self (sperm), dechorionated (egg) x self (sperm), normal (egg) x cross (sperm), dechorionated (egg)x cross (sperm). Results for two experiments (A and B) appear in table 2. In experiment A, there was a higher percentage of fertilization in the dechorionated (egg) x self (sperm) relative to that seen in the normal (egg) x self (sperm). The fertilization frequency for the dechorionated (egg) x self (sperm), on the other hand, closely parallels that for normal (egg) x cross (sperm) and dechorionated (egg) x cross (sperm). The low percentage of normal (egg) x cross (sperm) in experiment B is anomalous and was not repeated in the dechorionated (egg) x cross (sperm). Possible reasons for this result are discussed below. However, these preliminary results suggest that the barrier to self- fertilization is located in the chorion. DISCUSSION This report describes the development of an enzymatic treatment which selectively removes the chorion and follicle cells of Botryllus eggs, leaving the test cells and egg plasma membrane intact. This technique has permitted the investigation of the barrier to self-fertility in greater detail than was Self-fertilization in Botryllus Amy Levenson possible in earlier studies (Morgan 1923, Rosati 1978), and has allowed its tentative assignment to the chorion. Dechorionation of the ascidian egg is useful for many experimental procedures concerning the embryo. Difficulties encountered in separating and removing the closely associated layers of the egg envelope have limited experimental work on colonial ascidian development. The dechorionation procedure presented here creates a highly efficient means of attaining a large number of dechorionated eggs for experimentation. It is also unique in that it allows selective removal of the chorion. The finding that cellulase removes the Botryllus chorion also provides an unexpected insight into the structural nature of the egg envelopes; the egg apparently resides in its own tunic, even before development begins. The increased susceptibility of dechorionated eggs to contamination also opens speculation concerning the function of this extra-embryonic layer. Seemingly, the chorion occupies an important role in the creation of a highly protected structure which will allow the embryc to successfully grow and develop freed from the hazards of a non-sterile, and often hostile, environment. Since removal of the chorion and attached follicle cells by this technique increases fertilization frequency for eggs fertilized by self sperm (table 2- A), it appears that one of these layers contains the structural elements which block self-fertilization. The finding by Rosati (1978) that follicle cell removal does not affect self-fertilization in Ciona intestinalis eliminates their participation in the block to selfing. The location of Self-fertilization in Botryllus Amy Levenson this elusive barrier to self-fertility in colonial tunicates can now be placed with greater certainty onto the chorion itself. The protocol for this investigation was difficult to maintain successfully to completion. In the above experiments, egg¬ bearing colony pieces were isolated in the cold after ovulation. For experiments in progress, the timing of temperature separation of the colony halves has been altered to insure simultaneous development of the gametes. If mature testes are placed in the cold environment, the possibility that the barrrier to self-fertilization has broken down (in the colony kept at room temperature) at the time of ovulation will be greatly reduced. Fertilization in vitro will be performed immediately upon ovulation. Because of the variability of the timing of the barrier's breakdown the quickest possible removal and utilization of newly ovulated eggs would prevent self-fertilization from becoming a source of technical failure. The phenomenon of self-sterility in Botryllus is of special immunologic interest because of its close genetic linkage with the genes controlling the fusion-rejection reaction between Botryllus colonies. The ampullae of these oozoids actively fuse or reject with neighboring ampullae indicating some type of allogeneic recognition (Nagashima, Scofield). Each individual colony is heterozygotic at one locus determining fusibility at which there are approximately forty different alleles. Two colonies must share one allele to fuse. Eggs of a colony of fusibility genotype AB cannot be fertilized by A or B sperm, whether they come from the same individual, or Self-sterility in Botryllus Amy Levenson from a neighboring parent or sibling. This suggests that the fusibility gene locus,or link to it, controls self-sterility in Botryllus through the diploid, maternally derived test cells or their products in the chorion. This organization of genetic locii controlling both histocompatibility and fertilization is reminiscent of the linkage between the mouse T-complex affecting spermatogenesis and embryonic development and the H-2 region which is responsible for producing both the histocompatibility and immune response (Scofield and Weissman 1980). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to thank Dr. David Epel for his advice concerning this project. I would especially like to thank Dr. Virginia Scofield for her incredible enthusiasm, patience and editing capabilities. The use of her laboratory facilities and suggestion for this investigation were critical to its completion. Keith Kohatsu and Jay Schlumpberger donated both time and concernand egg pulling aid. Finally, I would like to acknowledge the support given to me by the other members of the Hopkins spring class. REFERENCES MILKMAN, R. (1967). Genetic and developmental studies on Botryllus schlosseri. Bio. Bull. 132, 229-24: MORGAN, T. H. (1923). Removal of the block to self-fertility in the ascidian Ciona. National Academy of Sciences 9 (no. 5), 170-171. NAGASHIMA, L. and V, SCOFIELD, in preparation. OKA, H. (1970). "Profiles ofJapanese Science and Scientists.' H. Yukawa, (ed.) Kodansha, Tokyo, pp. 195-206. ROSATI, F. and R. DE SANTIS. (1978). Studies on fertilization in the ascidians I. Exp. Cell Research 112, 111-119. (1971). Self- and cross-fertilization in the SABBADIN, A. ascidian Botryllus schlosseri. Dev.Bio. 24, 379-391. SCOFIELD, V. (no date given), personal communication. p SCOFIELD, V. and I.L. WEISSMAN. (1980). Protochordate allorecognition is controlled by an MHC-like system. awaiting publication. FIGURE LEGEND FIGURE 1- The flatened follicle Botryllus egg with its envelopes. cells (fc) lie outermost, with the chorion (ch) beneath. The test cells (tc) have been sheared away but depressions in the egg surface show where test cells were formerly present. FIGURE 2- Schematic diagram of dechorionation procedure. FIGURE 3- Comparison of normal and dechorionated Botryllus eg stained with methylene blue. a) normal egg with darkly stained surrounding chorion and test cells b) dechorionated eggs with darkly stained test cells and absence of outer chorion. TABLE 1- Percentage fertilization of normal and dechorionated eggs with cross sperm. TABLE 2- Self-sterility data comparing fertilization results of normal and dechorionated eggs with self and crossed sperm. FIGUF 99995. 15KU DECHORIONATION PROCEDURE EGGS — 1% cellulase 3 hours 0.5% protease five minutes 2% bsa five minutes 0.5% bsa five minutes DECHORIONATED wash 3X EGGS in sterile fsw I L L TABLE 1 CROSS FERTILIZATION OF NORMAL AND DECHORIONATED EGGS normal dechorionated 54 58 A 58 B 55 A TABLE 2 SELF AND CROSS FERTILIZATION OF NORMAL AND DECHORIONATED EGGS normal x self dechor. x self normal x cross dechor. x cross 60 68 2 72 48 33 10